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Clean material that reacts to heat and protects, reduces volume, reduces costs since; facilitates transportation and distribution.

  • Bagged and heat sealed. This service is provided together with polyolefin, which is a plastic material that reacts to heat and is used when the packaging has to comply with certain characteristics, in this way the product is protected looking elegant, clean.

  • Assembling kits, offers and promotions.
    We collaborate with our clients in the development of their promotional and / or marketing packaging for their subsequent assembly and packaging. Thanks to this process, various amounts of the promotion can be presented, such as on a tray or in packages. This type of service facilitates the transport and distribution of the product.


Looking for bagging and heat sealing services?

Contact Us

Melyak International

Operador Logístico Internacional
PBX: 601 492 6666 - 3015339690 

Zona franca Bogotá - Colombia
Av Calle 13 No.108A -85
Manzanaz 24 Bodega 144

C.P: 110921

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